Monday, May 6, 2013

End of the Year Testing

So, my school is starting our end of the quarter/year testing. Today we took the reading test and it was pretty easy but I know that I will probably fail the math test. Because...well.. I suck at math. I had a pretty descent day and ignored all the mean words the girls who always mess with me say. Even though they've never approached me with it. >.< I'm learning to focus more on school and my average than drama. Therefore, life has been good so far. But today has been a long day and hopefully this week end, I can relax on the beach but right now my bed looks like the most comfortable place to be. Goodnight lovelies.. even though it is only 7:38 at night. ♥


  1. Oh well thats good that you ignore them I have the same problem exept im not good at walking away so I usally get into stay gold gurl!

  2. i used to be like that too but tomorrow i'm going to stick up for myself and i'll blog tomorrow and let you know how that goes c:
