Monday, June 10, 2013

Grandma's House ♥

For the past 4 days I have been staying with my grnadmother. I've always loved being over there but at the same time I didn't because she had NO internet whatsoever and that was a bummer! :( So finally she has wifi and of course me and my cousin have latops, tablets, phones, what ever you can name! So I really enjoyed it this time. ALSO my phone is back on so I got to talk to alot of you guys and honestly I enjoyed that as well. :) I actually stayed out of trouble and I was actually happy for a extended period ofm time unlike any other time. And surprisingly I haven't been on twitter in 2 whole days!!! But it would mean so much to me if you'll would follow me @badbxtchtweets! Love you guys.. ♥

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