Monday, June 10, 2013

Grandma's House ♥

For the past 4 days I have been staying with my grnadmother. I've always loved being over there but at the same time I didn't because she had NO internet whatsoever and that was a bummer! :( So finally she has wifi and of course me and my cousin have latops, tablets, phones, what ever you can name! So I really enjoyed it this time. ALSO my phone is back on so I got to talk to alot of you guys and honestly I enjoyed that as well. :) I actually stayed out of trouble and I was actually happy for a extended period ofm time unlike any other time. And surprisingly I haven't been on twitter in 2 whole days!!! But it would mean so much to me if you'll would follow me @badbxtchtweets! Love you guys.. ♥

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Hello all ♥ I know that I haven't been blogging a ton lately but I've been crazy busy. My great grandmother is in the hospital and my grandmother has cancer. So I've been with her lately and making sure she's fine and I really just haven't had the time to blog. BUT so far life has been a true blessing. I have just been looking at things in a more positive matter now like I mentioned in my earlier entries. I have been dealing with my insecurities so much better and honestly guys, I appreciate every compliment I get. It means so much to me and words can't even explain the pleasure I get just by somebody complimenting something so small about me. Anywho, I really haven't been doing anything "interesting" so I just dropped by to just let you'll know whats up. ♥
Until next time..

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

♥ Love At First Sight ♥

In the last blog I told you guys about all the products I received on the behalf of Influenster and I said that I would be doing a review on all of the merchandise. So, I just tried the NYC New York Color Applecious Glossy Lip Balm and let me tell you, I LOVE IT!! This by far the best lip balm I have tried so far and I will be repurchasing afterwards. It smells fantastic, moisturizes your lips, AND it adds the perfect red shade to your lips. In the lip balm it includes things such as Shea Butter, Jojoba Oil, Vitamin E, and Avocado Oil to give your lips a healthy, irresistible look. It truly does just that! Throughout this summer I will be rocking my new lip color and so can you for only the price of $2.99. Which it is a product well worth it.

Influenster Vox Box

So, this morning I woke up to my very first Influenster Vox Box! I was extremely excited and literally screamed and ran inside the house!. After I opened the box, I saw many different products like:

1. Secret Outlast Clear Gel Deodorant
2. NYC New York Color Applelicious Glossy Lip Balm
3. Broadway Nails imPRESS Press-on Manicure
4. OSIS Gelastic

All these products were free on the behalf of Influenster. Influenster is a site where you have to be invited and you have to be a active member. If you would like an invite just comment your email address in the comments and I will be sure to send you one.

For The Next Few Days: I will be doing totally HONEST reviews on all of the products ♥

Definition of the Site:
An exclusive online community where tastemakers and trendsetters (such as yourself) come to share the latest and greatest news, places, products, and reviews with each other. 2. The hotspot you just bookmarked on your web browser that turns your social influence into sweet rewards.
Basically, Influenster is a place for culture junkies to come together and share their unique opinions of products and experiences. Active members of Influenster get exclusive access to deals, promotions, and swag from brands that thrive off the input (the good, the bad, and the ugly -- they just want to know what's up).

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Yesterday, I blogged early saying that I had a good day but later that night everything fell apart and it was just horrible. So I was completing my math study guide when I got stuck on a problem. Something was telling me not to go ask my mom for help because something bad was going to happen. But I ignored whatever it was and went to ask my mom. The way my mom was teaching me how to do it, I didn't understand because it was a totally different way that she worked the problem. I told her that and she got mad because I was looking up to the sky because I already told her 10 times that I didn't get what she was doing. Any who, she winded up getting angry and was about to attack me but I ran.. She had a clothes hanger and she threw that at me but missed. So then, I just went into my room just thinking aloud. After that.. she came in with a knife and I just got really scared and I panicked. I felt as if my life was over. A while back, I actually had a dream that my mom came into my room during my sleep and started stabbing me.. It's a scary feeling. But I told my mom that I wanted to leave so she made me get out the house with no shoes or anything. I only had a tank top and shorts. She told me "You think that you can handle the real world? Then get you ass out there and do it! I wish you the best of luck!" and so I got out and she was about to call the police but instead she talked to family members. So she told me to go back in the house and she was going to beat me the next day and I just want go to school. I then went to my room and she started talking about how she knows she hasn't been the perfect mom or anything.. About how she wanted to have a bond with me since I was born.. how she wanted me to be able to tell her anything. Anyway, skip all the extra stuff. Tomorrow is today and I went to school and nothing has happened yet. But I just lost way more respect, love, and trust for her. This is the second time and she also threatened me that she will get a gun and kill me before I kill her. She told me she would rather me stick a knife in her than say I hate her.. which I did about a week or 2 ago. I don't know if I blogged about it or not. Most girls can call their mom their best friend but I can't.. :'( 

Monday, May 20, 2013

School Ending

Now, we only have 4 days of school left and it will be officially summer time! :) Thank goodness! Today was a really good day! I think the group of girls were talking when I walked by but I kept my head up and they were looking like "where is all this confidence coming from??" I was really happy but I did feel bad for one of my friends though. Something tragic happened but luckily I managed to make her laugh and not only did that make her feel better but it made me happier. I look forward to life now that I can truly say that I am here for a reason! I have no idea where all this is coming from but I'm sure am way more happier. I truly believe that the Lord, my savior, is helping me through this. I started back praying how I'm supposed to and since then life has opened up. I'm just glad that I was able to wake up this morning.. ♥

Friday, May 17, 2013

I'm Back ♥

Hey guys! I'm back and I'm really sorry for not blogging in a while. So far life has really good since the last time I blogged. I've been busy studying for finals and having tons of homework and trying to pull up my grades so I will be able to go to a better school next year. No one has been messing with me and well school was rediculously (if that's a word) fun today. In one of my classes we actually had a substitute and we had sooooooooooo much fun in there. Today has been the day where I can actually say I enjoyed every minute of it. A lot of people didn't come to school today because yesterday everyone had their graduation. Honestly, I can't believe there is only 5 more days of school left before summer time.. :(  lol. Let me stop joking. I can't wait until school's out!!! ♥