Friday, May 3, 2013


Okay, the dude who hit my brother wasn't even at school today because he is suspended until Monday. But I already put it on my mom and my life that I am going to slap him so no turning back now. A couple of people think that I'm bluffing but I am so serious. I guess I just have to wait. Anyway, after the bell rung for us to change classes one of the girls who were messing with me purposely got in my way as I was going down the hall but I just shoved her really hard out of my way and she said " Bitch, excuse you" and I stopped in my tracks and said "Bitch, excuse YOU!!" so then she went to my brothers class and started talking about me with the rest of her friends of course. But honestly I think she is scared because you can talk all that crap but you want do anything about it.

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